Friday, June 12, 2009

DORKY Photo!

My son in law Nick would NOT be happy with me for posting this but I just couldn't resist. My daughter Ashley and grandson James looked perfect and there goes Nick making a goofy face! This was taken about a year ago right after James was born.

Now head on over to the gal who came up with this cool idea, Lynnette Kraft, to see the other DORKY photos! After all, being able to laugh at ourselves is a good thing, right?!


Unknown said...

That's what I'm talking about! Beautifully dorky! :)

Unknown said...

Oh, and I love the cell phone in the shorts! I blew up the picture and that was the first thing I noticed. HA!

Holly said...

Haha who is ever happy about a dorky photo of themselves? Well, everyone except the person who is in it! lol

Kristin said...

Ha! So hilarious! This challenge that Lynnette came up with is so fun! :) I love your motto! LOL!!