AND a final word of warning regarding employer/employee relationships. No matter what you and your employer go through together, no matter how many years you have worked for said employer, no matter how many weddings, funerals, good times, bad times, and all the hard work you do for said means nothing at all to said employer!!!
'Nuff said for now.
SO, I am posting a few pics from the summer. You're welcome.
James LOVES the Harley. He even knows where the horn is!
Ethan turned 1 in July!
He went directly to the bath tub after the cake demolition!
And, I finally got the Sturgis Rally in Sturgis, S.D. this year! Here's just one quick shot of what main street Sturgis looks like during the Rally. It was amazing and oh the stories I could tell you. Hhhmmmm.....maybe that will be an upcoming post. Remind me to tell you the one about the florescent green condom.
So glad to see you!! Definitely need to hear more from you!! can't wait for all the stories you have hinted at!
james loves the harley?! *I* love the harley!!
(also, i love cake.)
What a beautiful family. Hope the unemployment stuff gets worked out. Gov't is a pain. Quick to take your money, VERY slow to send it out when it is due to you.
Hopefully you are always free to write on this blog. Greetings from me in Indonesian
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