Monday, May 18, 2009

Time for another addition of Not Me Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

You know, God Bless Mckmama! The Not Me Monday posts have totally made Monday's SO much more bearable for this Monday hater! Alrighty, here we go...

I totally DID NOT threaten DH on his day off Tuesday morning to quit farting in bed while I was trying to get ready for work because it was SUPER DISGUSTING or I would post it on my next Not Me Monday! I would never humiliate him like that! Not me, no way!

I did not procrastinate all last week about finishing up my newest little neices' crib bumpers because the weather was just too darn nice outside and I didn't want to be inside. Not me!

I did not look at our 10 year old miniature dachshund and tell her I hate her simply because she's getting old and losing control of certain bodily functions just because I don't want to clean up her poop. I could never do that to a pet we've had since she was 5 weeks old! No way, not me!

And finally, I was NOT a raving -itch to DH all weekend simply because he's very Type A and his family is coming from Alaska in about a week and a half and he's SUPER focused on getting everything just perfect and ignoring everyone and everything else in the process! I couldn't be so shallow! No way, not me!

1 comment:

Stone Fox said...

LOL! I also have an older dog with ever-changing bodily functions. And the smells that come out the back end!! Lord Almighty, what the hell do they eat?! I only feed her dog food!!