Monday, March 30, 2009

Ashley & James had been planning to come over and spend some time with us yesterday but with Casey having the barfies, I didn't think it was wise. Lindsay decided to go visit so I had her take the camera.
This little man is such an amazing little boy and I just couldn't love him more. He's also a comfort to me and I really just want to hold him for a few minutes. Holly & Anthony from lost their precious daughter over the weekend and although they had tried hard to prepare themselves for the possibility that Carleigh may be born directly into the arms of Jesus, it's still been very hard. I can't even begin to put myself in their place and the most I can do for them is pray and perhaps ask you to as well. And do like I plan to on my grandson until he squeals to be put down and thank God for the many Blessings He's given me!

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