A few weeks back BSP and I were super fortunate to head to Alaska to visit my In-Laws. And as a side note, what IS the correct way to write in laws? Caps? Hyphen? I digress...
You may have remembered this post where I shared my extreme dislike on flying. While we can drive to Alaska, it would take the greater part of three days to get there and upon arrival we would have to head back because of course, getting back to Colorado would take the greater part of three days. Pointless waste of time when, in just 5 small hours, you are there by flight. In preparing for the trip, I discovered I have not conquered my fear of flying. In fact, it appeared to have gotten much larger in the whole scope of things so I headed off to my family doc and asked for some medical intervention. I mean really, why not. I've been to the doctor so much these past few months, what's another visit? She was happy to help me out and off to Alaska we flew. I was pleasantly calm and can report that I did not leap over anyone's Grandmother nor toss anyone's child out of my way to get to the Exit.
Alaska is so unbelievably awesome. This is one of my re-discoveries. My FIL and BIL surprised us with an overnight fishing trip to the Kenai and this company took us out on the water. There aren't any words to describe how amazing the experience was. Even without the quick fishing trip, Alaska is a MUST. Go! Plan it! My SIL works for Anchorage Convention and Visitors Bureau. Check out their amazing web site and get that trip planned!
Last year the Movie "Julie & Julia" came out. I didn't have any regard for it one way or another until I watched it. (I assume that I am not the only one who can gain some insight or be touched by certain movies. Otherwise there would be no movie industry, right?) So this weekend, all of the movie channels are open on our Dish carrier. (UBER detrimental to getting anything productive done, by the way) I was able to catch the last half of "Julie and Julia" again. Such a good movie for lots of reasons but here's what I took away yesterday...I loved how Julie's husband was such a support for her in her year long journey. (For that matter, it really did appear that Julia Child's husband was an amazing support to her as well) I guess that's maybe a little sappy but here's why I love that. I am finding myself re-examining marriage again. I have a divorce under my belt and so does BSP. So when you go into marriage again, you gotta work ten times harder not to bring in the previous crap from the aforementioned marriages. Personally, I don't think I am all that good at being a wife. For lots of reasons but I will spare you the gory details. But I was reminded yesterday how important it is to have a supportive husband. Even when he doesn't actually understand or "get" what it is his wife is trying to do. That is just one of the great things about BSP. He honestly thinks I am talented and smart and can do just about anything! (poor deluded man) I didn't have that before so you would think I wouldn't take it for granted the second time around. But I do. See? Bad wife!
Anyway, I guess I don't care how I am reminded to be thankful for my husband, I just hope I continue to be reminded because I don't think my amazing wife skills are improving any time soon. Thanks honey...you truly are the best.
See, I told you this was gonna be random....

1 comment:
Good to see you on and blogging - no matter how random!!
I totally get the fear of flying - although I did love my one air-trip I loved the view out the window and all in all it was not a bad trip - however - the very idea of traveling terrifies me!! (I'm supposed to fly to TN next week - EEK!!!)
I also get the marriage stuff - it's good to be thankful always - to remember our own faults - and to never ever take anyone for granted! I loved that movie also!! Thanks for the reminders!!
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