Lynette's topic this week is Alone Time and what we like to do when we have those rare opportunities to be alone. Please make a point of visiting her Blog. I know you will enjoy it as much as I do and perhaps you will be inspired to join in on the fun!
Alone time...is there really such a thing for busy women these days? When we aren't busy with our kiddo's or our grandbabies, we are making meals, cleaning house, doing laundry, etc.. Many of us also work outside the home full time as well. So needless to say, Alone Time is an elusive creature for many of us including myself!
When I do get the opportunity to capture "said creature", there are several things I enjoy doing but I have to say the top of the list is sewing. I love to sew. I'm currently in the process of sewing some curtains for my niece Amanda who heads back to College in just a few weeks. She found some gray sparkly material at her mom's house and brought it to me several weeks ago and asked me if I could sew some quick curtains for her. Of course I could! However, gray sparkly material broke my machine needle. So the quick project turned into something a bit more time consuming. The only way to get decent hems on the material is to use Bias tape. Do you know how hard it is to find Bias tape in Silver? Yeah, neither did I. It's darn near next to impossible! So I decided to make my own. My niece found Silver ribbon that matched beautifully. However, I need three more rolls. Just go get some, right? This particular color of ribbon seems to have left the planet! But never fear, my ribbon quest goes on until those curtains are finished!
Now I know this doesn't sound at all relaxing but believe it or not, it really is. I can tune out nearly everything else and just sew away. (Unless of course our cat Toby decides he needs to be right up in my business because he's like that) Even tackling all of the little issues are very enjoyable to me. I have some amazing "Ah-Hah" moments when my project is done and I can look at it and remember what started out as just an assorted pile of fabric, pins, thread, etc...and see what became of that assorted pile.
Ah, alone time....how I covet you!
Sewing....I think you are crazy!! But I love ya!!!
I inherited my Nana's sewing machine and she's teaching me to do a few things, I have so much to learn and I'm just kicking myself that I did not have her teach me growing up, I want to be able to do that with my kids and grandkids, thank you for sharing.
Ha! I enjoy getting lost in my crafty projects too. Sewing is something I'm about to find out if I love or hate! I really want to learn more about it and try out some different projects. There's nothing better than the feeling you get after making something! I will look forward to seeing your curtains!
Okay Kelly - so I hate to sew! BUT, I know that some people are completely relaxed and at peace with it - how in the world, I'll never know - HA!
I'm glad God made some people to like it though - or we'd all be naked and undecorated. hee hee Well, maybe not.
Getting a little slap happy tonight...
Love ya.
I don't sew, but I would love to learn! Thank you for sharing.
Hi Lisa. Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by the other day. I'm off to check out your blog now.
That is totally how I feel about cross stitching, it is so relaxing, it is great God made us all so different with so many talents and gifts, have a relaxing alone time Kim
Thanks for the comment!
Yes, spaghetti is an easy one! I seem to use that as a menu staple way to much!
You gave me a great idea - I think I should try making Pita Chips this week. I was thinking of using buying Stacy's, but homemade sounds much better. Thanks!
By the way - I love the sound of Friday's meal - what kind of seasoned beef do you use?
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