Friday, July 10, 2009

Food Waste Friday

This is my first time participating so I may not have it right but I think it's a GREAT idea and a really good way to fine tune our grocery budget. Be sure to check out the other participants at:

My first attempt at Food Waste Friday didn't necessarily end in "waste". I had the day off today as we are waiting for Grandson #2 to make his appearance...and we are waiting...and waiting...but I digress.

I made myself some toast for breakfast this morning and when I went to put something in the trash, there in our garbage pail sat 2 perfectly good banana's. Ok, maybe not "perfect" but certainly banana bread worthy for sure! So yes, I pulled those 2 banana's out of the garbage and I made chocolate chip banana bread.
Going into the oven...
And done. Now how about those garbarge banana's!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE chocolate chip banana bread!!!! If only I could jump through the interent ;)

Hoping a baby has arrived!! praying for you all!!